10 Cheap Makeup Tricks Recommended By Top Make-up Artists

Do you know how you can look great, and not to spend a lot of money doing that? The following ten tricks recommended by the world’s top make-up artists can help you with that. Here’s how.

Makeup Brushes

Quality brushes for makeup will last long, but only if you take care of them. After use, always clean it thoroughly. Once a week, wash them with warm water and shampoo. Remove excess water by wrapping them in tissue and then let it air dry. Never leave wet brush upright, because the water will slip” in the handle and it will rot with time.

Refresh the makeup on your face

If it happens during the day make-up to comes off, you dont need to completely remove it and re-apply it again. Take a tissue and gently dab the face to remove excess fat, but also delete the smeared makeup. On the end, apply a little loose powder on the face.

Body Peeling

Forget the expensive preparations for body peeling. Equally effective are those that we will make them at home. Mix the olive oil with a little sugar and add a few drops of essential oil (lavender or grapefruit). With the resulting mixture gently rub on the skin before showering. Rinse with lukewarm water.


Lips should be smooth and gentle, if you want lipstick to look perfect on them. Mix equal parts of brown sugar, olive oil and vanilla extract. Rub the lips gently with the mixture, and immediately remove the mixture with tissue paper. Then apply lipstick or lip gloss.

Bronzer for natural skin tone

You do not need too many shades of powder to achieve natural looking face. If the current powder looks too bright on your face, add a touch of bronzer. This is a much cheaper way your face to get natural color, rather than buying a new powder.

Do not go overboard with loose powder

When you are doing make-up (especially when it’s warm outside), do not consistently apply loose powder, as you may look like someone played with your skin ten. Instead, apply make up before you go out, and wipe the excess moisture from the face with tissue and apply loose powder. In this way the makeup will be much more consistent.

The trick for stable lipstick

For more permanent lipstick try the following trick: apply a little loose powder on a tissue and place it at the previously applied lipstick. Powder will absorb the excess lipstick, prevent the smearing and reduce the ability to get on the lips.

Perfect cat eyes

For this supermodern look, all you need are eyeliner and credit card. Close your eyes and place the card diagonally from the outer part of the eye towards the temple. With eyeliner draw a line from the inner part of the eye all the way to the outside. Immediately after that pull the short line using the card as a landmark. Make a bold lines to highlight the eyes and apply two coats of mascara. Of course, there is no need to note that we need to clean the card good before use.

Perfect eyelashes

It is not necessary to place false eyelashes to make your eyes look more beautiful and seductive. In fact, take the mascara to increase volume on your eyelashes. After you take the stick out of the mascara wipe it with a tissue. This will remove excess product and eyelashes will look much more natural. Apply two coats of mascara and preferably you can curl the eyelashes before applying the mascara. You will be surprised with the result.

Use Vaseline to remove makeup

After a busy day, soak a cotton ball in Vaseline and remove makeup with gentle movements to down. This way you can clean, but also take care of your face.

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