Always Tired And Without Energy? With This Natural Recipe You Going To Feel Much Better!

By keeping toxins in our blood we become chronically tired, suffer from bloating and have circulatory problems.

In order to get rid of toxins in our blood we should occasionally make cleaning (detoxification) of blood. With retention of toxins in the blood we become chronically tired, suffer from bloating and have circulatory problems.

These problems can be removed by using a simple preparation in your kitchen. All you need is garlic and black wine (homemade if possible). This healing potion purifies the blood by removing excess fat and salt from the body and speeds up the metabolism.


12 cloves of garlic
Half a liter of red wine (preferably homemade)


Clean the garlic, cut into quarters and place it in a jar. Add half a liter of red wine and close the jar tightly.

Keep it on a sunny / bright place about two weeks. Shake it repeatedly each, so that the ingredients are mixed up.

After two weeks, strain the contents of the jar and put it in a glass bottle.


Take one teaspoon three times a day, for a period of one month.
This is a powerful drink for cleaning and strengthening the blood, and apply it with a gap of six months between the two treatments

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