Death Above Our Heads: Energy-saving lamps are toxic to the brain, nervous system, liver, kidneys and heart

Energy saving light bulbs contain mercury. Mercury is a powerful neurotoxin that is particularly toxic to children and pregnant women. It is particularly toxic for the brain, nervous system, liver and kidneys. It can also cause damage to the cardiovascular, immune and reproductive systems. Mercury can lead to tremors, nervousness, insomnia, memory loss, headaches, cancer and Alzheimer’s.

Many of us are aiming to save energy and money replacing the old standard bulbs with new ecological lamps that save energy. However, a new generation of energy-efficient light bulbs is so toxic that the Environmental Protection Agency of United States launched an extraordinary protocol that is being implemented in the case of breaking of bulbs and the release of toxic gas.

A study conducted by researchers at the Fraunhofer Wilhelm Klaudic Institute has shown that these light bulbs, if they break indoors, emit 20 times more mercury than the maximum allowed.

Energy efficient lamps can cause:

inability to concentrate

Why we need to return ordinary light bulbs?

1. Ecological light bulbs contain mercury. Mercury is a powerful neurotoxin that is particularly toxic to children and pregnant women. It is particularly toxic for the brain, nervous system, liver and kidneys. It can also cause damage to the cardiovascular, immune and reproductive systems. Mercury can lead to tremors, nervousness, insomnia, memory loss, headaches, cancer and Alzheimer’s.

2. Ecological light bulbs can cause cancer.

A new study carried out by Peter Brown in Berlin has shown that these bulbs contain toxic carcinogens that can cause cancer:

  • Phenol, mildly acidic toxin in the form of crystals which is obtained from coal tar and is used in the chemical industry.
  • Naphthalene, flammable compound in the form of crystals, which is formed by the distillation of coal tar, which is used in preparations against moths and as raw materials in chemical industry.
  • Styrene, unsaturated hydrocarbon liquid which is obtained as a by-product of the production of petroleum.

3.Ecological light bulbs emits a large amount of UV radiation

Energy saving lamps emits UVB radiation and a small amount of UVC radiation. It is widely acknowledged that UV light harms the skin (causes skin cancer) and eyes. Radiation from energy efficient light bulbs directly affects the immune system and damages the skin tissue to the point that it prevents the formation of vitamin D.

Finally, these bulbs are so toxic that they should not be thrown in the regular trash. They are hazardous waste. If you break one in the house, open all windows and doors and leave the house at least 15 minutes in order to minimize exposure to poison gas.

Unfortunately, the bad news is that the old bulbs now are produced in small amount and that soon they will be no longer available.

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