How to Remove Unwanted Hair From the Face Naturally

There are different methods for hair removal from the face. Some of them are really effective, including Electroepilation, photo- and laser epilation, but these are not at all cheap and require large expenditures.

In this article we consider the traditional methods of epilation of facial hair at home, which do not require special financial expenses, but are equally effective.

You can remove hair from the face forever at home in a natural way, using the following folk remedies:


1. Homemade remedy for hair removal with baking soda.

This treatment is necessary to be done before going to bed.

Pour 1 tablespoon of baking soda in 200 ml of boiling water, stir and leave to cool. Soak in this solution a small piece of cotton or gauze, drain it a little and place it on the place(s) where the unwanted hair grows. Stick with a patch and leave it overnight.

In the morning, after removed the bandage, be sure to apply some nourishing cream on the problematic parts.

Already after 2-3 treatments you will notice a positive result: the facial hair will start to fall.


2. Second folk remedy for facial hair is plain pharmacy iodine.

For the preparation of the folk medicament it is required: 2 ml of iodine, 1.5 ml of ammonium hydroxide (10%), 4o ml of 70% th alcohol and 10 ml of castor oil.

Mix all the necessary ingredients well and leave until the mixture becomes colorless.

This mixture is rubbed into the problematic parts in the morning and evening.

The hair will start to deteriorate after a few days of use. There are claims that this is the solution to permanently eliminate or reduce hair off the face.


3. Folk means to eliminate or reduce facial hair – oil nettle.

The recipe of this effective method has been known since ancient time, it has been used by the beauties in the 17th century, and reads as follows:

Pour 100 ml of any vegetable oil on 3 tablespoons of nettle seed. Leave it for 14 days in a warm place.

Afterwards, strain it through cheesecloth and put it into a glass jar and close the lid.

Every evening, put a piece of cotton or gauze soaked in nettle oil on the problematic areas of the face and leave it for half an hour (you can place a patch to secure it from falling). Afterwards, wash the face with warm water and soap.

The treatment is individual for every woman. Make the treatment until the hair does not fall.


4. Garlic as an effective tool for removing facial hair.

Rub the problematic parts of the face with freshly squeezed juice of garlic, several times a day.

Keep the juice of garlic on the face for half an hour, to achieve maximum results.

Afterwards, rinse with warm water and apply cream.

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