Natural Home Remedy Against Bacteria (Especially Against Escherichia Coli)

Escherichia coli is a bad and undesirable bacteria that often happen to women and causes a huge number of urinary infections with unpleasant symptoms.

This remedy is from a nun who lives in Bosnia and had helped many people to cure from Escherichia coli without antibiotics or any other medication.

If you still having difficulty to kill this bacteria, prepare this useful natural recipe. You won’t lose anything if you try this natural treatment for Escherichia coli.


250g parsley root
250g lemons (peel included)
200g honey
6.7oz olive oil


First, take the parsley root and wash it nicely. After that, grind it together with the lemons.
In the end, add the other ingredients and mix them well. Put this admixture in a clean container.

How to Use it?

Take one large spoon before breakfast and also one before dinner until you finish your dose.

When you finish taking this natural remedy make the same tests as before. If the bacteria is still there, make another dose of this natural remedy and repeat the treatment.

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