The magic potion that dissolves pounds overnight!

The most simple and efficient way to lose weight!

Potion that burns hundreds of calories while you sit and read a book? Oh yeah, it’s certainly possible if you use the healing properties of cinnamon and honey.

Although you have to separate the effects of these foods well aware, there are few who know that the combination of these two ingredients speeds up the metabolism and helps in removing excess weight.


Let’s look at the ingredients in this magic potion:


It helps boost and speed up the metabolism which helps the body burn fat.

Honey has a healthier glycemic index (GI) than sugar, therefore it doesn’t cause a sugar rush, but it is gradually and progressively absorbed into our body.


It stabilizes blood sugar levels and increases the metabolism of glucose. Since high blood sugar levels can lead to increased storage of fat, cinnamon helps prevent this.

Cinnamon improves insulin function. Thus, you lose weight.

The cinnamon and local honey clean parasites, fungus and bacteria in the digestive tract.

You will also have a feeling of fullness and satiety.

To prepare this magical drink you will need honey, cinnamon and some water.


-Boil 250ml of water

-Add one tablespoon of cinnamon in your favorite cup, pour the boiled water over it, cover and allow to cool.

-When the water is cooled down filter away the particles and add two tablespoons of honey in to the filtered potion (keep in mind that we should never add honey in hot water or tea).


We can change the recommended amount, but it is important always to use in the ratio 2:1 (two measures of honey and one of a cinnamon). Prepare as much drink as you think you going to need it.



Drink half of the drink before going to bed, and the other half in the morning before a meal.

And that’s it!



This formula works only on an empty stomach.

You may experience more energy and better sex drive.

See also: How To Lose 18 Pounds In 7 Days

Drinking This Before Going To Bed Burns Belly Fat Like Nothing Else

  1. Reply
    Paul Oppong at

    Can this be incorporated into the GM diet.

    • Reply
      Life Health and Beauty at

      It is not recommended.

  2. I have a question, can it be any honey? or does it have to be natural honey pretty much straight from the hive?

    • Reply
      Life Health and Beauty at

      It can be any honey, but natural honey (not filtered) is the best.

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