Top 3 Homemade Conditioners For Dry Hair

The problem with dry hair worsens during the winter period.

Therapy with warm oils in this period is not very helpful, neither expensive factory-conditioners shows desired results. Well, what do we do?

Fortunately, there are ingredients that you have in the kitchen, from which you can make an effective conditioner that can help you to have a smooth and silky hair during the winter.


Yogurt and egg


egg and yogurt

For this conditioner you need a glass of yoghurt and two egg yolks. Whip them good to unite and apply to damp hair. Put a plastic bag or shower cap on the head and use a hair dryer a few minutes (in order to better absorb the ingredients). After half an hour, rinse shampoo.

Olive oil


Olive oil

With 230 ml of olive oil mix ripe avocados, which are previously well mashed. After that add in the mixture two mashed bananas (it is better to be mature) and mix well, to be united. Apply to damp hair and wrap a warm towel. Rinse with shampoo after twenty minutes.

Mayonnaise and avocado


Mayonnaise and avocado

Mix one tablespoon of mayonnaise with half an avocado to get a smooth paste (amount depends on the length and density of hair). Apply to damp hair from roots to tops. Pay attention more to the peaks than the root. After applying the conditioner you may comb the hair to distribute evenly along the entire hair. Put a plastic bag or shower cap, and over that wrap a warm towel. After twenty minutes rinse shampoo.


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